'Salonika Remembers' - schools invited to explore CWGC sites in Greece
/Doiran Military Cemetery, near the Macedonian border, is the lasting resting place for 1,338 Commonwealth troops, 449 of them unidentified (Photo © Commonwealth War Graves Commission)
A project for schools commemorating the centenary of the Salonika Campaign has been launched by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission in partnership with the British Council in Greece.
More than 18,000 Commonwealth troops of the First World War, and some 400 of other nationalities, are commemorated at 25 sites in Northern Greece.
Salonika Remembers 1915-18 is inviting schools to explore the individual stories of servicemen and women buried at four cemeteries, 'and to respond creatively to this experience through poetry, music and art.'
A series of workshops will be held for teachers in Greece in 2017, working with Never Such Innocence, a UK charity dedicated to engaging young people in the history of WW1 through the creative arts.
The deadline for expressions of interest is Sunday 26 February 2017. For more information, and to register, visit 'Salonika Remembers' on the British Council in Greece website.
The Salonika Campaign takes its name from the Greek port of Salonika (now Thessaloniki) where an expeditionary force of British and French troops first landed in October 1915 to aid Serbia against the Central Powers.
Also known as the Macedonian Front, it eventually drew in a multi-national force of more than 500,000. A prolonged stalemate culminated in a dramatic offensive that forced Bulgaria out of the Great War in September 1918.