Armed Conflict in Colombia – Bibliography
Below are websites and publications used to research and collate information for the Never Such Innocence resource on the Armed Conflict in Colombia:
ABColombia. (2019). Towards Transformative Change: Women and the Implementation of the Colombian Peace Accord. Available at: Colombia Peace Accord: Women and the Ethnic Chapter - ABColombia (Accessed: 14 March 2022).
Afrodes (2020) 'Mujeres afro aportan a la memoria histórica colombiana’, available at
Alianza para la paz (2022) ‘Historias de vida: Betsy: Una mujer constructora de paz’, available at
Al Jazeera (2016) ‘Colombia: FARC to remove child soldiers from ranks’, available at
Ardila Arias, N. (2019) ‘La historia de 2 excombatientes de las Farc premiados por su trabajo’, available at
Arte al Día (no date) ‘Juan Manuel Echevarría’s “Filme NN” in “Contraexpediciones. Más allá de los mapas” at the Museo de Antioquia, Colombia’, available at
Art & Reconciliation (no date) ‘The War We Have Not Seen’, available at
Artemisas (2021) ‘Nini Cardozo’, available at
Batres, V. (2022) ‘Child Recruitment in Colombia: Fear in the River’, available at
Brodzinsky, S. (2016) ‘Farc’s child soldiers start new life after peace deal’ available at
BBC News (2016) ‘Colombia FARC ceasefire: The man who photographed a little-pictured war’, available at
BBC News (2016) ‘Who are the Farc?’, available at
Borelli, M.B., & Sorzano, O.L. (2021). ‘Performance Practices and the Conflict of Memory in Colombia: Working Towards a ‘Decolonial’ Digital Archive and Epistemological Justice,’ Contemporary Theatre Review, 31 (1-2), pp 172-190.
Brett, Roddy. (2018) ‘The role of the victims' delegations in the Santos-FARC Peace talks' in Druliolle, Vincent and Brett, Roddy (eds.) The politics of victimhood in post-conflict societies: Comparative and analytical perspectives, Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 267-299.
Britannica (no date) ‘FARC: Colombian militant group’, available at
Carrillo, A. C. (2009) ‘Internal displacement in Colombia: humanitarian, economic and social consequences in urban settings and current challenges’ International Review of the Red Cross, 91 (875): pp 527-546
Conciliation Resources (2017). Indigenous women and Colombia’s peace process: Pathways to participation. Available at: Indigenous women and Colombia's peace process | Conciliation Resources ( (Accessed: 14 March 2022).
Cortés Ferrández, P. (2020) ‘From Aid to Empowerment: Addressing urban displacement in Colombia’s informal settlements’, available at
Delgado, C. (2020). The World Food Programme’s Contribution To Improving The Prospects For Peace in Colombia. Available at: Colombia context from THE WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME’S CONTRIBUTION TO IMPROVING THE PROSPECTS FOR PEACE IN COLOMBIA on JSTOR (Accessed: 14 March 2022).
El Heraldo (2019) ‘Conflicto afecta a más de cuatro millones de afrodescendientes available at
Elston, C. (2020). ‘Open Wounds: Commemorating the Colombian Conflict,’ in Gilbert, C., McLoughlin, K., & Munro, N. (eds.) On Commemoration: global reflections upon remembering war. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp 91-95.
Final Agreement to End the Armed Conflict and Build a Stable and Lasting Peace (2016) Accessed 31/03/2022
Fundación Puntos de Encuentro (2022) ‘The War We Have Not Seen: A Historical Memory Project’, available at
Government of Canada (2018) ‘The chance to be a kid: protecting Colombian children in armed conflict’, available at
Government of Colombia (2001) ‘Children and the armed conflict in Colombia’, available at
Historical Memory Group (2016) BASTA YA! Colombia: Memories of War and Dignity. Bogotá: CNMH
IMF (2017). Colombia’s Peace Agreement Can Give Fillip to Inclusive Growth. Available at: Colombia's Peace Agreement Can Give Fillip to Inclusive Growth ( (Accessed: 14 March 2022).
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (no date) ‘The Last Refuge: Urban displacement in Colombia’, available at
International Catalan Institute for Peace (2021) ‘ICIP presents two songs composed by a group of victims of the Colombian conflict and singer-songwriter Marta Gómez’, available at
Isacson, A. (2021). A Long Way to Go: Implementing Colombia’s peace accord after five years. Available at: A Long Way to Go: Implementing Colombia’s peace accord after five years - WOLA (Accessed: 14 March 2022).
Joshi, A. (2019). ‘Accountability Amidst Fragility, Conflict, And Violence: Learning From Recent Cases’, Institute of Development Studies, 50 (3), pp 95-112
Juan Manuel Echavarría (2022) ‘About’, available at
Latin Travel Guide (2018) ‘A Short History of the Colombian Conflict: An overview for foreign visitors’ available at
Lulle Viveros, A. (2018) ‘“Era como traeme un pedacito de mi tierra”: Resiliencia, resistencia y prácticas culturales de mujeres afrodescendientes y sus familias desplazados por el conflicto armado colombiano, residentes en Bogotá.’ available at
Maher, D. & Thomson, A. (2018). ‘A precarious peace? The threat of paramilitary violence to the peace process in Colombia’, Third World Quarterly, 39 (11), pp 2142-2172
Mendes, I. (2020). ‘Inclusion and Political Representation in Peace Negotiations: The Case of the Colombian Victims’ Delegations’, Journal of Politics in Latin America, 11 (3), pp 272-297
Murphy, M. (2022) ‘Gustavo Petro: Colombia elects ex-rebel as first left-wing president’, avaiable at
Noriega, Christina. (2021) ‘Indigenous artists use rap to push for change in Colombia’, available at
OECD (2001) ‘Glossary of Statistical Terms’, available at
Open Democracy (2021). Four years later, Colombia's Peace Agreement advances at a snail's pace. Available at: Four years later, Colombia's Peace Agreement advances at a snail's pace | openDemocracy (Accessed: 14 March 2022).
PBI Colombia (2019) ‘Operation Orion’, available at
Pinzón, V.G. (2020). Colombia: Between the Dividends of Peace and the Shadow of Violence. Available at: Colombia: Between the Dividends of Peace and the Shadow of Violence ( (Accessed: 14 March 2022)
Poetry International (2006) ‘Jotamario Arbeláez’, available at
Poetry International Rotterdam (no date), ‘Poema de Invierno’, available at
Poetry International Rotterdam (no date), ‘Después de la guerra’, available at
Prix Pictet (2022) ‘Jesus Abad Colorado’, available at
Quinn, J.M. & Joshi, M. (2019). ‘Transitional Justice in the Final Colombian Accord,’ in Meernik, J., DeMeritt, J.H.R., & Uribe-Lopez, M. (eds.) As War Ends: What Colombia Can Tell Us About The Sustainability of Peace and Transitional Justice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 208-230
Rettberg, A. (2020). ‘Peace-Making Amidst an Unfinished Social Contract: The Case of Colombia’, Journal Of Intervention And Statebuilding, 14 (1), pp 84-100
Romoser, A.U. (2012). Colombians Commemorate First Official Day Honouring Conflict Victims. Available at: Colombians Commemorate First Official Day Honoring Conflict Victims | NACLA (Accessed: 14 March 2022).
Ruiz Mantilla, Jesús. (2019) ‘Doris Salcedo, the Colombian artist who melted 37 tons of FARC weapons’, available at
Serrano, F. (2017). The Economics of the Colombia-FARC Peace Accord: Why Selling the Deal Based on Expected GDP Gains Is Shortsighted. Available at: What Are the Economics of the Colombia-FARC Peace Deal? | Foreign Affairs (Accessed: 14 March 2022).
Shaw, Anny (2018) ‘Doris Salcedo’s army of women reshape the meaning of guerrilla weapons’, available at
Shock Magazine (2021) ‘Marta Gómez celebra 20 años de trayectoria en el Teatro Colsubsidio’, available at
Tate (no date), ‘Doris Salcedo’, available at
Tellez, J.F. (2019). ‘Peace agreement design and public support for peace: Evidence from Colombia’, Journal of Peace Research, 56 (6), pp 827-844
The Brookings Institution (2019). Peace with Justice: The Colombian Experience With Transitional Justice. Available at: Peace with justice: The Colombian experience with transitional justice ( (Accessed: 14 March 2022)
Unidad para las víctimas (2019) ‘Más del 10% de las víctimas en el país son afrocolombianos' available at
Weiss Fagen, P. (2015) ‘Colombia: urban futures in conflict zones’. Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Centre. Available at
Youkee, Mat. (2019) ‘Colombia’s rebel poets: from ‘verbal terrorists’ to favoured sons’, available at
Never Such Innocence has done its best to ensure that all imagery and content has been appropriately sourced, if there are any inadvertent omissions we apologise to those concerned and ask that you contact us so that we can make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.