Jesús Abad Colorado (1967-)
Jesús Abad Colorado is a photojournalist from Medellín, Colombia, whose own family had to escape ‘La Violencia’, a historical period from 1948 to 1958 where liberal and conservatives fought each other in a bloody war. Unfortunately, they found themselves facing conflict again from the 1970s until the 1990s. Colorado has been kidnapped by guerrillas twice.
His work is unique, as he is one of very few who has captured the various atrocities of the conflict, such as genocidal acts, internal displacement, the use of arms, and its impact on people of different ages, genders and ethnicities.
© Jesús abad colorado
His most famous photograph depicts an unknown girl, peering through a bullet-hole in a glass window - an excellent example of his attempts to tell a story and respectfully show the resilience and strength of children. Another image shows a bride walking through the doorway of a church on her wedding day past a sign that reads: “La guerra, la perdemos todos. Ayudemos todos a construir un proceso de paz” (We all lose the war. Let us all help to build a peace process).
His work tries to commemorate the past to contribute to “the dignity of the future”. Most of his photos are taken in black and white, as he thinks:
“[it is] more respectful. Colour is too bombastic in violent situations. Black and white gives a more documentary feel, a more sorrowful one."
Despite the trauma of the past, he also aims to convey hope in the midst of sorrow through his work.
Write a speech from the perspective of the girl in the photograph.